SAR to IDR Exchange Rate
sorted by Highest Selling rate
BANK | SELL   | BUY   |
BNI | 4,520.00 | 4,170.00 |
BCA | 4,388.35 | 4,280.35 |
CIMB Niaga | 4,343.00 | 4,333.00 |
Bank Mandiri | 4,324.00 | 3,939.00 |
VIP Money Changer | 4,320.00 | 4,300.00 |
BTN | 4,256.00 | 4,002.00 |
BRI | 4,253.58 | 4,199.85 |
Bank Muamalat | 4,180.00 | 3,690.00 |
The Indonesian Rupiah exchange rates displayed here are indicative and subject to change without prior notice.
Updated: 2023-11-08