CAD to IDR Exchange Rate
sorted by Highest Buying rate
BANK | SELL   | BUY   |
CIMB Niaga | 11,766.00 | 11,752.00 |
BCA | 11,874.40 | 11,613.40 |
BNI | 11,946.00 | 11,596.00 |
HSBC | 11,976.00 | 11,587.00 |
BRI | 11,587.40 | 11,486.20 |
UOB Indonesia | 12,139.00 | 11,432.00 |
Bank Mandiri | 11,641.00 | 11,271.00 |
Bank Danamon | 11,507.00 | 11,251.00 |
Panin Bank | 11,244.00 | 11,200.00 |
OCBC NISP | 11,330.00 | 11,121.00 |
The Indonesian Rupiah exchange rates displayed here are indicative and subject to change without prior notice.
Updated: 2023-11-08