MYR to IDR Exchange Rate
sorted by Highest Buying rate
BANK | SELL ![sort]( ![sort]( | BUY ![sort]( ![sort]( |
CIMB Niaga | 3,544.00 | 3,532.00 |
VIP Money Changer | 3,540.00 | 3,520.00 |
BCA | 3,576.40 | 3,488.40 |
BNI | 3,690.00 | 3,340.00 |
BRI | 3,342.45 | 3,306.13 |
BII | 3,371.90 | 3,260.67 |
Bank Muamalat | 3,349.00 | 3,230.00 |
BTN | 3,365.00 | 3,220.00 |
Bank Mandiri | 3,427.00 | 3,160.00 |
The Indonesian Rupiah exchange rates displayed here are indicative and subject to change without prior notice.
Updated: 2023-11-08